Suggested Reading on Satanism and the Occult
Here is a recommended reading list on Satanism, magic and the occult. These books are recommended because they are a great source of knowledge and insight that you can use in your journey throughout Satanism. They are books on magic, on occultism and on Satanism. Along with this you can read a brief review of what each book is about. Many of these books I’ve used on my own journey in magic and Satanism.
Links to are provided so that you can purchase any one of these books for your collection. Thank you for visiting this list – bookmark it so that you can return anytime.
The Truth about the Satanic Panic
Jeffrey S. Victor has researched the social phenomenon known as the Satanic Panic. In his book he explores this time in recent history where people were falsely accused of horrific crimes that the media and other officials related to Satanism. In exposing the lies of the past about Satanism, this book makes an excellent reference for those who want to learn about this social tragedy, and how it has affected Satanism to this day.
The author has done this research to help others to understand why the Satanic Panic happened, and why it is an important part of American history. The Satanic Panic – Creation of a Contemporary legend belongs on every Satanist’s bookshelf.
Purchase The Satanic Panic – Jeffrey S. Victor
The Dictionary of Satanism
The Dictionary of Satanism is one of my favorite books. Its a listing of all things demonic and Satanic. And while
it is not very modern, it still is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn about the history of what people have found to be dark and
evil in myth and legend. I have found this book to be a great source of inspiration when it comes to the history of the occult, demons, and other things that Satanists might want to know.
The author and translator, Wade Baskin (1924–1974) is well known for his work on the occult and his studies on philosophy and linguistics. He served on the faculty of South Eastern Oklahoma state University and he was also the editor of Classics in Education.
Purchase the Dictionary of Satanism
The Satanic Bible
This is the classic book that so many Satanists read. Many Satanists throughout the years have taken the path of Satanism because they have read this book and seen a reflection of themselves within the pages. This book offers insights from the High Priest of the Church of Satan’s founder, Anton LaVey.
While it was written in 1969, its writing has captivated satanists for a few generations now. I refer to this book as the ‘Satanist’s Primer’ because of its introductory nature. When you read this book you will have insight on the history of Satanism as it began in the late 60’s, and
you will see influences of that today, within the numerous Satanic orders that have followed in the footsteps of
the Church of Satan. Purchase The Satanic Bible
The Complete Book of Demonolatry
Encompassing an entire religion unto its own, Demonolatry has become a sacred and spiritual way to connect with demons. Learn how to invoke demons, how to use their sigils and sacred rites. It is the text that has trained the priesthood of the coven of Demonolatry and it remains a standard in the world of demon invocation. There are chapters on holy days, offerings and prayers, and a workbook on demonic magic and bow to get close to demons and work with them in your life. Delve into this fascinating book today and learn how to work with demonic forces. The Complete Book of Demonolatry
A Field Guide to Demons
This book dives into the history of all things demonic. Read about legends from all around the world in an entertaining and educational way. With this book, it makes an excellent companion for those who are seeking to work with demons or other spirits like them. It is objectively written and makes a great reference for you to use anytime you want to dive into the world of spirit.
Carol K. Mack is a teacher, writer, and mother. She has won numerous awards for playwriting and received her masters degree in religious studies. She currently lives in New York City. Dinah Mack received her master’s degree in cultural anthropology before collaborating with her mother on A Field Guide to Demons. She currently lives and works in Weston, Massachusetts A Field Guide to Demons, Fairies, Fallen Angels and Other Subversive Spirits
Other Links of Interest:
5 Ways to Improve Your Occult Study and Practice Right Now : at the Spiritual Satanist Blog
Beginner Books for Satanism and the Occult : at the Spiritual Satanist Blog
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