Color Representation in Satanic Witchcraft
It is well known that color effects our mood and outlook. Wearing pink eases aggression, while wearing red might Color We have a natural response to color that can not be denied.
It is well known that color effects our mood and outlook. Wearing pink eases aggression, while wearing red might Color We have a natural response to color that can not be denied.
Satanists have asked the question, is it useful to do a Satanic Banishing Ritual? The simple answer to this should be: No. A banishing ritual is typically something that is done during a Wiccan or other Neopagan ritual.
Come learn about how to use magic and witchcraft in your Satanic practices. Witchcraft is the art of using natural objects and items to create magic.
Here are the types of incense for Satanic Ritual and magical oils that I would personally associate with each planet.
The invocation of planetary energies can bring you benefits if they are used wisely. A planetary energy is a consciousness, a force that originates from each of the seven planets
Witchcraft is a basic method of spell casting that uses magical tools such as candles, herbs, oils and spell craft to create magical effects.
Essays on the philosophy of Spiritual Satanism, Occultism Magick and Demonology.
This essay explores one of the basic practices of Satanic Witchcraft – the use of timing in magic through the phases of the moon. The moon can serve as a guide for timing magic spells and rituals
What is Blood Magic? Blood is the essence of life, the essential component of our being. Since ancient times the association between blood and life force has been well-known.